Decisions of the Ministerial Conference and the General Council shall be taken by a majority of the votes cast, unless otherwise provided in this agreement or in the relevant multilateral trade agreement. 部长级会议和总理事会的决定应以所投票数的简单多数作出,除非本协定或有关多边贸易协定另有规定。
However, the main drawback of an EU-US FTA is that it might extinguish the remaining hope of achieving a truly multilateral trade agreement. 不过,欧盟-美国自由贸易协定最大的问题在于,它可能会令达成真正的多边贸易协定的最后一丝希望化为泡影。
Any other measure covered by the Multilateral Trade Agreements in Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement 《wto协定》附件1A所列多边贸易协定涵盖的其他任何措施
The last successful multilateral trade agreement was in 1994, when 123 countries gathered to negotiate the creation of the World Trade Organisation and agreed on a new set of rules for international trade. 上一次成功达成多边贸易协定是在1994年:当时123个国家聚集一堂,协商建立世界贸易组织(wto),并就一套新的国际贸易规则达成了共识。
The Ministerial Conference shall have the authority to take decisions on all matters under any of the multilateral trade agreements, if so requested by a member, in accordance with the specific requirements for decision-making in this Agreement and in the relevant multilateral trade agreement. 如一成员提出请求,部长级会议有权依照本协定和有关多边贸易协定中关于决策的具体要求,对任何多边贸易协定项下的所有事项作出决定。
In the event of a conflict between a provision of this Agreement and a provision of any of the Multilateral Trade Agreements, the provision of this Agreement shall prevail to the extent of the conflict. 在本协定的条款与任何多边贸易协定的条款产生抵触时,应以本协定的条款为准。
The WTO shall provide the forum for negotiations among its Members concerning their multilateral trade relations in matters dealt with under the agreements in the Annexes to this Agreement. WTO在根据本协定附件所列协定处理的事项方面,应为其成员间就多边贸易关系进行的谈判提供场所。
Decisions to approve amendments to the Multilateral Trade Agreement in Annex 3 shall take effect for all Members upon approval by the Ministerial Conference. 批准对附件3所列多边贸易协定修正的决定,经部长级会议批准后,应对所有成员生效。
The multilateral trade negotiation of Uruguay Round reached general agreement on trade in services in 1993, confirmed the multilateral principle and frame of service trade towards liberalization, which makes interna-tional service trade development get a brand-new room. 1993年乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判达成了《服务贸易总协定》,确定了服务贸易走向自由化的多边原则和框架,使国际服务贸易发展获得了一个崭新的空间。
The Uruguay Round Multilateral Negotiations has established the regulations on International Trade in Services. Because of the big difference in position, the negotiation in Maritime Services was not able to reach an ultimate agreement. 乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判确立了国际服务贸易的法律规则,由于各方立场分歧过大,海运服务贸易谈判未能达成最终协议。
Although most-favored-nation treatment principle is considered as the foundation of GATT/ WTO multilateral trade system, Article 24 of GATT on regional trade agreement exits as the exception of most-favored-nation treatment principle. 最惠国待遇原则是GATT/WTO多边贸易体制的基石,关于区域贸易协定规定的GATT第24条则作为最惠国待遇原则的例外而存在。
Multilateral Trade Liberalization and Regional Trade Agreement: A Game Theory Analysis 多边贸易自由化与区域贸易协定:一个博弈论分析框架
Since the beginning of 20th century, especially after the multilateral trade systems of GATT ( General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) in 1948, anti-dumping measurement had become one of the important non-tariff trade measurement adopted by many countries to protect domestic relative industries and market order. 自20世纪初以来,特别是1948年《关于关税和贸易的总协定》这一多边贸易体制以来,反倾销已经成为世界各国制止倾销而保护国内相关产业和市场秩序的重要非关税贸易救济措施。
In regard to the phenomenon, the relationship between principle and exception should be coordinated. The basic principle of multilateral trade system should be complied with and regional trade agreement should be strictly supervised. 鉴于这种情况,应协调好原则与例外的关系,恪守多边贸易体制的基本原则和加强对区域贸易协定的监管。
Compared with cargo trade, service trade is a new field of WTO multilateral trade system, and is governed by General Agreement on Trade in Services. 相对于货物贸易而言,服务贸易是WTO多边贸易体制的新领域,受WTO服务贸易总协定(GeneralAgreementonTradeinServices,以下简称GATS)的调整。
As a member of WTO, China must take some steps. First, to implement sustainable development strategy in foreign trade that can reconcile trade and environment, make the best use of WTO, the multilateral trade agreement, and support the environmental project. 我国作为WTO成员国,必须实施贸易与环境相互协调的外贸可持续发展战略,充分利用WTO多边贸易协议,支持环境项目;
The multilateral trade negotiations, which were organized in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT) has made the overall level of the customs duties descended successfully at the meantime the key point of trade barriers shifted accordingly from customs barriers in to the non-tariff barriers. 关贸总协定组织的多边贸易谈判成功地促使关税总体水平大幅度下降,使贸易壁垒的重点由关税壁垒转向非关税壁垒。
So, through hard negotiation, during the multilateral trade negotiation of Uruguay Round of GATT, they have reached "agricultural agreement of Uruguay Round". It standardize various kinds of agricultural protective measures that the various countries implement. 因此,经过艰苦谈判,在关贸总协定乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判中,达成了《乌拉圭回合农业协议》,该协议对各国实施的各种农业保护措施加以规范。
The regional concluded bilateral or multilateral trade agreement has made important achievements. 缔结区域性的双边或多边贸易协定已经取得举足轻重的成绩。
In the past 20 years, with the promotion of the world economic liberalization, we have seen the fast development of the regional trade agreement. It contains a few multilateral trade agreements, but the main trend is bilateral trade agreement. 在过去的20年中,随着全球经济自由化的推进,我们见证了区域贸易协定的迅猛发展,其中,包含少数的多边贸易协定以及为数较多的双边自由协定。
United States Trade Representative completed the multilateral trade negotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Kennedy Round, Tokyo Round and the Uruguay Round, and reached a series of trade results, including the establishment of the World Trade Organization. 美国贸易代表完成了北美自由贸易双边贸易协定谈判和肯尼迪回合,东京回合和乌拉圭回合三次多边贸易谈判,达成一系列贸易成果,包括建立世界贸易组织等。
Under the WTO multilateral trade system, many countries begin to participate in regional trade agreement actively. FTA is one of the main forms of regionalism and it is the most usual form when countries join regional economic integration. 在WTO多边贸易体制框架下,许多国家和地区开始积极参加区域经济一体化组织,其中自由贸易协定是各国参与区域经济一体化的主要形式之一。
Detailed comparison of the three parts of carbon tariffs and the basic principles of multilateral trade, WTO "general exception clause"," Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement "between. 分为三个部分详细比较了碳关税与多边贸易基本原则、WTO一般例外条款、《技术贸易壁垒协议》之间的关系。